Present: Brothers Bennet, Cheren, Haynes, Johnson, Kooyoomjian, Farrow, Lilly, Mitchel, Nowill, Obue, Popple, Tuttle (A.), Tuttle (J.), Wilkinson, Tryba.

The sixth regular meeting of Kappa Omicron Chapter was called to order at 7:10 p.m. in the Worcester Room of the Student Union by President John Farrow.

The treasurer's report was read and accepted.

Treasurer -- Kooyoomjian
Jackie hundred reported that there is $40.24 in the treasury with about six dollars of that earmarked for UM Week expenses.

Books to Asia -- Tuttle
APO will work with other organizations on this project.  Dick Haynes and Dick Morril will handle publicity for the drive.

UN Week
Dave Mitchell reported on meetings of the UN Week Executive Ccommittee (attached).
Job Tryba reported on the Speakers Committee.  The Cmmittee is planning on asking the student Senate for $500 to pay for speakers (additional information contact).

Finance Committee -- Kooyoomjian
Jack announced that committee budgets should be presented to the Finance Committee by the first week after the Easter Vacation.

After a query by President Farrow, Bill Wilkinson promised that the Constitution and Bylaws would be in members hands at the next meeting.

the President appointed a Banquest Coordinating Committee consisting of Mark Cheren (Chairman), Dave Mitchel, Lorin Johnson, Bill Wilkinson, Dick Haynes, Jack Kooyoomjian.

Pledge reports -- Thompson
report attached.

Capital Outlay Fund -- Haynes
moved (Haynes) that a capital outlay fun be instituted, each brother being assessed $.50 per semester retroactive from February 1, 1962.  Expenditures from this fund will be determined by the Finance Committee approved by the brotherhood. (seconded)
An amendment to change the motion to read "retroactive September, 1962" (Mitchell -- Wilkinson) was defeated (6 - 2).
The motion passed in its original form (8 - 1).

Envelope stuffing for Massachusetts Review - Popple
Massachusetts Review help in sending of 7000 promotional leaflets.  Brothers Kooyoomjian Wilkinson, Cheren, Mitchell, Johnson, it could

Next available meeting minutes